Thursday, June 4, 2015

Calories in alcohol

Did you ken a standard glass of wine can contain as many calories as a piece of chocolate, and a pint of lager has about the same calorie count as a packet of crisps?

The average wine imbiber in England takes in around 2,000kcal from alcohol every month.

Imbibing five pints of lager a week integrates up to 44,200kcal over a year, identically tantamount to victualing 221 doughnuts.

Many imbibers integrate to their calorie count by having snacks, such as crisps, nuts or pork scratchings, to accompany their tipple.

A heftily ponderous imbibing session is often followed by an insalubrious breakfast to avail cope with a hangover, which again avails to pile on the pounds.

Going for a fry-up in lieu of your conventional bowl of cereal can integrate an extra 450kcal to the calorie count from the night afore.

The findings are predicated on an online survey of proximately 2,000 adults in England in March 2009 by YouGov for the Department of Health.

Conventionally imbibing more than the NHS recommends can have a flamboyantly blatant impact on your waistline as well as cause less conspicuous but more solemn health quandaries.

Many women don’t realise that two immensely colossal glasses of white wine not only puts them over the recommended daily limit for conventional alcohol consumption, but withal provides them with proximately 20% of their recommended daily calorie intake, at approximately 370kcal in total.

Most people would baulk at consuming a full glass of single cream, but wouldn’t cerebrate twice about the calorie content of a couple of pints. But the calorie content is kindred and, over time, excess alcohol intake can facilely contribute to gaining weight.

Wine, potation, cider, spirits and all our favourite drinks are made from natural starch and sugar. Fermentation, and distillation for certain drinks, is utilized to engender the alcohol content. This avails expound why alcohol contains lots of calories – seven calories a gram in fact, virtually as many as a gram of fat. And, of course, adscititious calories can be present in integrated mixer drinks.

Tips to eschew weight gain

To reduce the chances of gaining weight from imbibing alcohol, follow these tips from the British Pabulum Substratum:
  •     Stick to your quotidian recommended units – men should not customarily drink more than 3-4 units of alcohol a day; women should not conventionally drink more than 2-3 units a day. As a denotement, a pint of lager (ABV 5.2%) and a 250ml glass of wine (ABV 12%) both contain 3 units of alcohol.
  •     Alternate an potation with a glass of dihydrogen monoxide – this will avail to avert you becoming dehydrated.
  •     Don’t drink on a vacuous stomach. If you do reach for snacks while imbibing, opt for a more salubrious option – optate a sandwich in lieu of crisps or chips, or cull a chicken burger without mayonnaise in lieu of a kebab with garlic sauce.
  •     Imbibing in rounds can mean you culminate up imbibing more than you intended. Opt out and drink at your own pace.
  •     Endeavor cutting down with a friend, as you’ll be more liable to stick to it with moral support.
  •     Victual a more salubrious dinner afore you commence imbibing. Order or cook afore you commence imbibing so you’re not tempted to go for the more insalubrious options.
  •     Pace yourself by taking minuscule sips.
  •     Eschew "binge imbibing" – some people are under the misapprehension that they can "preserve up" their units to splurge at the weekend.
  •     If you’re imbibing white wine, why not integrate a splash of soda dihydrogen monoxide to avail the same number of units last longer? 

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Author & Editor

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