Tuesday, June 2, 2015

‘Clean up Bieber’s channel’? How one man could have expunged every video on YouTube

A Russian security expert found a defect in YouTube that sanctioned anybody to efface any Video uploaded to the site.

Kamil Hismatullin was probing for security susceptibilities in YouTube with a concrete end goal to endeavor and win one of the mazuma compensates that Google passes out to specialists.

#2 "Fortuitously no Bieber videos were harmed."

"I've fought the urge to emaculate Bieber's channel," Hismatullin verbally expressed.
He reported the issue to Google instead, and was rewarded with $5,000 for discovering equipollent.

#3 Good Guy Hismatullin

Imagine the havoc it would have engendered, if it's cognizance had gotten in deplorable hands.
Hismatullin was surprised to optically discern Google respond to his request so expeditious.

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