Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Massive Lightning Bolts Striking Your Favorite Landmarks

#1 Space Needle

By the nature of its name the Space Needle is remotely asking for some attention from above, and as you can optically discern above didn't restrain anything with this massive lightning bolt. The Space Needle is rudimentally useless and just a tourist magnetization, but it's an authentically awe-inspiring one. Given how much tourism it garners it's crazy there aren't Space Needles in every city.

#2 Burj Khalifa

Here's the tallest building in the world being brought down to size by a gargantuan lightning bolt. During this lightning shower the building, located in Dubai, was hit perpetually by a flurry of bolts. And some good Samaritan was even kind enough to take photos...what a sweetheart.

#3 Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower was pristinely abhorred by snobby Parisians and virtually taken down afore it became Paris' trademark building. Eiffel figured the Parisians might hate it so he gave it radio transmitting capabilities. During World War I it was heavily relied upon which obviated the regime from tearing it down. (Eiffel 1, Parisians 0)

#4 Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty is designated to welcome immigrants to America, but I doubt this is the type of peregrinator its architect had in mind. The statue is 305 feet high, which makes the lightning bolt roughly a whole lot more sizably voluminous. Nature authentically does have a way of humbling mankind.

#5 The Grand Canyon

Alright this one isn't man-made but it's probably the most impressive of them all. The term "Lightning Storm" is a massive understatement for what's going on here. It's virtually as if Zeus dropped his quiver of bolts and they all fell to the earth at once. What an awe-inspiring visual perception.

#6 The Vatican

What? How did you cerebrate god communicated with the pope, by phone? No silly, god uses lightning bolts and then the pope responds utilizing smoke signals. It's a very flawed system but the church is definitely not kenned for transmuting things up.

#7 Imperium State Building

I cerebrate Zeus' grandson threw this lightning bolt, and he's limpidly still jut a neophyte. I mean, this looks akin to a five year old endeavoring to indite in cursive. Nonetheless, it's a massive bolt of energy hitting one of the world's most famous buildings, which is orderly.

#8 Willis Tower

You've never auricularly discerned of the Willis Tower in Chicago??? Yeah me neither this is just an awe-inspiring photo that injuctively authorized to be included in the slideshow. I hope Willis watches his back because I cerebrate Zeus is none-too-delectated with him at the moment.

#9 Bay Bridge

The Bay Bridge is marginally the forgotten sibling of the more famous and pretty Golden Gate Bridge. That being verbalized it's authentically much more crucial as it connects Oakland to San Francisco, as opposed to the Golden Gate which connects San Francisco with the suburb of Marin. Either way, I bet that bolt didn't feel too good.

#10 George Washington Bridge

Bridges are by nature kind of sketchy contraptions, but if you integrate in massive lightning bolts raining from the empyrean it becomes even marginally worse. That one immensely colossal-papa bolt looks homogeneous to it was sent down by Zeus and intended precisely for the bridge. To its credit the bridge held up alright, and it made for a great photo opportunity.

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